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I saw this article pop up on my Facebook feed today. Have you ever heard of the website called Mashable? It's a tech-news website that covers the latest "news, information & resources." (http://mashable.com/about/)

They published an article today entitled "14 Google Tools You Didn't Know Existed." I decided to check the article out to see if any of these Google Tools could be utilized in the classroom. For the past year and a half, I've been utilizing Google Docs and Google Drive and both have come in handy!

There were a few I found that could possibly work:

Schemer - A website that shows you things to do in your local area. The article recommends this as being a great tool for travelers. Of course the teacher in me thinks this would be great to use for virtual field trips!

Google Fonts- 
Google has made 629 fonts available for private and commercial use. How cool is that!? I will definitely have to use it in the near future for this website. I think a great idea would be to allow students to choose their own font (readable, of course) and use it to write stories in class.

Google Developers- I briefly checked out this website and have bookmarked it to explore it a bit further. The article says that Google Developers is multi-faceted.  It allows you to internationalize websites and give live presentations of tutorials. I'm thinking this would be a great tool to use for a Flipped Classroom concept.

Google Keep- Google Keep connects to your Google Drive. (Google Drive deserves a separate post in itself, it is a wonderful tool!) Google Keep lets you store memos, voice memos, pictures, and check lists. This would be a great tool to use for group projects. Students could store their pictures, make memos, and utilize check lists in order to gather information.